By Robin McCormick
Devlin correspondent
Happy to say “there are reasons to celebrate ” in our rural area.
Congratulations to Emily Bird and Issac Stromness on their recent engagement. Happy parents are Bob and Shirley Bird and Larry and Julie Stromness.
Congratulations also to Brooke VanDrunen and Spencer Brown on their recent engagement.
Pleased parents are Greg and Myrna VanDrunen and Greg and Myrna VanDrunen.
No wedding date is set for either couple.
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Happy belated birthday to John Esselink Sr. on his 95th. He was honoured with a cake and coffee gathering at the Christian Reform Church.
Family enjoyed a luncheon on Sunday afternoon
Daughters Irene from Oregon and Liz from Lethbridge came home for this special occasion.
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Remember “Holly Daze” is on Dec. 5-7 in Emo.
Many fun events will take place.
The parade is Friday (Dec. 7). It will leave the municipal office at 5:30 p.m. and work its way downtown.
Hot chocolate and cookies will be served during the parade
The always-popular fireworks, co-sponsored by New Gold and the Emo Chamber of Commerce, will take place following the parade.
Many more events will take place over the three-day event. Be sure to make this part of your weekend.
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Our community would like to send Pat Hyatt prayers and good wishes for a full recovery.
Pat underwent an intensive surgery on Nov. 19.
She has encountered some good and difficult days since her surgery. Happy to say that as of Monday (Nov. 25), Pat was sitting up in a chair for one and-a-half hours.
Good thoughts also to Gord and Pat’s three daughters and their families through this time.
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Sympathies to the family and friends of Marg Advent (Clement).
Marg was an aunt to Joe Kozachenko and great aunt to Tracy Hyatt.
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Robin’s 2¢
They say with age comes wisdom.
So therefore, I don’t have “wise cracks.”