Dear sir: I sure enjoy seeing your Web cam. I haven’t seen it in a while. I also make a couple of trips a year to fish on Rainy Lake–have been doing this for the last 30 years or so. I just love your country. Wish I could spend more […]

Dear sir: Hello to my friends in Canada, and particularly Fort Frances. On Sept. 14, my wife and I, after a week in the Canadian wilderness, were returning home to the Milwaukee, Wis. area. We encountered a long delay at the border, and were feeling frustated and somewhat testy at […]

Dear sir: It is with great disbelief that I find myself needing to write this letter in the aftermath of the tragic events of Sept. 11. Although I thought that I could not be more disturbed by a few ill-conceived comments at the tribute the town organized on Sept. 14, […]

Mike Behan
Moving with Mike

In case you missed it Monday night, Dan Rather, long-time anchor of the CBS Evening News, broke down not once, but twice, during his appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman. It was clear right from the outset that Dan was choking back tears, his lips trembling, his voice […]

By Harry Vandetti
Just Passing By

For the front-line New York City reporter, this was the ultimate story, his career-builder, and he jumped at it. Five thousand or more people gone up in smoke. Why this story of the World Trade Center disaster has topped even the Second World War! Any reporter on the job is […]

Milt Guba
This Week In Emo

The Lake Superior Day of Encouragement invites you to a day celebration and training–featuring workshops for deacons, elders, pastors, caregivers, and youth and worship leaders–on Saturday, Sept. 29 starting at 10 a.m. at the Christian Reformed Church in Emo. The theme is “One In Christ” (Ephesians 4:3), presented by Roy […]

Last Friday, I went to my aerobics class. Look up. Look down. Look over your shoulder. Then over the other shoulder. Do windshield wipers with your feet. And so on. As usual, we sat in a mirrored room with music playing. And to my surprise, I actually enjoyed the exercise […]

No words can describe the horrific carnage that hit the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon, across the Potomac from Washington, D.C., yesterday morning. “Surreal” perhaps comes the closest. It played out like a plot from a Tom Clancy novel, or the climax of a Hollywood […]

Dear editor: I am directing this letter to all parents of school-aged children within the Town of Fort Frances. I am very concerned over the current school bus policy in place with our Rainy River District School Board. As the policy stands now, any child who enters senior kindergarten and […]

Dear sir: The Chapple Heritage Committee wishes to thank all those who helped with and supported Chapple Days on Aug. 10-11. This celebration would not be possible without the participation of our community of donors, sponsors, and volunteers. Whatever your part was in making this weekend a success, we thank […]

Greetings to Fort Frances: It’s that time of year where the 21st-annual Terry Fox Run is being held this Sunday (Sept. 16) in Fort Frances. I would like to take this time to wish all the volunteers and organizers for this year’s run all the best. I encourage the folks […]

Dear sir: As a former employee of FFDACL (front-line staff), I would like to speak to the strike issue. First of all, I would like to give you an account of a few of the incidents I witnessed with the clients. On two separate occasions, I witnessed a client crossing […]