What’s in a name

Dear sir:

This is “the old guy with the plaid tam” again.

I’ve been a bit confused lately, more confused than usual, as your eyebrows raise!

It wasn’t long ago that my name was added to “Rapid Robert” and now that I have purchased my new motor bike, they have renamed me “Biker Bob.”

One guy, that I won’t name, said, “I’ve heard of ‘Hells Angels’ but I’ll call you ‘Heavens Last Hope.’” At any rate, to clear this name confusion up, I’m still “the old guy with the plaid tam.”

Come to think about it, 80 years ago, my mom and dad named me Bob Cottam. I hope to keep that name in good standing with all concerned.

Biking isn’t for everybody but I do enjoy it, practice courtesy as usual, and above all, I try to be careful.

Life can be beautiful, but at the same time can deal out some tough blows. So we must try and cope with problems at hand, try to have fun, and the bike seems to do that to a degree for me.

Have respect for your fellow man, smile, and say “Hi” to them. And you’d be surprised at the “payback” and friendly response, which automatically makes life a whole lot easier in these stressful times.

Bob Cottam