Thank you, Ireland

Dear sir:
While vacationing on a bus tour in Ireland, we checked in at the Quality Marina Hotel in the town of Waterford. To our surprise, we noticed that the street was named “Canada Street!”
With our own waterfront needing an identifying name, the committee and town council came up with “La Verendrye Parkway.” Well, I would like them to reconsider and possibly change it to “Canada Street.”
Vancouver has their Canada Place, but an Internet search didn’t produce a single Canada Street in all of Canada. As such, our newly-named “Canada Street” would be unique—and fits right on the centre fold of the map!
Just where you want to be found!
I propose that our Colonization Road West to the junction of King’s Highway, and following into Third Street West to Central Avenue to the new Customs facility at Church Street, down Church Street to Veteran Avenue and then around to Portage Avenue, down Sinclair Street onto Victoria Avenue to Front Street, then to Colonization Road East and following our Canada/U.S. boundary into Pither’s Point Park and ending at our Lookout Tower at the Ranier rapids would all become our newly-named Canada Street!
Some would oppose this and like the way things are now, but they would soon love the new Canada Street!
We could celebrate and dedicate it, with patriotism and pride, during our upcoming centennial celebrations, complete with a ribbon-cutting and publicity of ours as the only Canada Street in Canada!
There are lots of Canada Streets scattered about the world, as I found one in Ireland. We have the opportunity to be first in Canada—and we should grab it before some other town takes it!
Designated streets, avenues, and freeways are just thoroughfares, but our new Canada Street will be a place of destination! Fort Frances will become noted for its Canada Street—and the marketing potential will help our local economy.
Yours very truly,
Melvin Haukaas
Fort Frances, Ont.