To the editor:
Re: Condition of the Crow Rock landing and road, which was badly damaged on June 10 by the storm.
I called the ministry June 28 and spoke to the person in charge of road repair. I told her the road and landing at Crow Rock were badly damaged. Her reply was the ministry was not aware the road was damaged.
The road also was damaged in a storm last year and was not repaired until late summer. I can remember when Highway 502 was first opened—every landing had picnic tables, outhouses, and top-notch roads and landings.
I am not asking for the extras; what I am asking for is repairs be made to the Crow Rock landing and road now while we still have some summer left.
Also there is the safety aspect—the hole in the road is big enough to consume a truck and boat and motor.
Thank you for the space in your paper.
Stan Hoard
Fort Frances, Ont.