Positive impression

Dear sir:
On Saturday, July 20, the North Western Group of Ontario Land Surveyors met in Emo for their summer meeting. The group was very impressed by the surroundings and what the area has to offer.
Owing to the distances which some people have to travel to get to these meetings, some arrived Friday night and stayed in Fort Frances so they could enjoy some golfing Saturday morning.
The group then met for a luncheon at the Lion’s Park in Emo and enjoyed elk burgers provided by the Rainy River Elk Farm. Following this, a trip was made to Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Interpretive Centre, where a tour of the facility was followed by a walleye dinner.
The meeting took place in the evening at the Emo Inn.
Two long-time residents, Don Walton and George Wegman, retired Ontario Land Surveyors, joined us for the occasion. Don helped organize the event, and was surprised to find a special ceremony was dedicated to him in recognition of passion and commitment to the profession of Ontario Land Surveying.
On behalf of the group, I would like to say how much the out-of-town people enjoyed spending the weekend in the area, and what a positive impression of our district they had when they left.
Henriette Verhoef
W.J. Bowman Ltd.
Ontario Land Surveyor
Canada Lands Surveyor