Bulbs or bulb-like plants are usually considered perennial plants which have a period of growth and flowering, followed by a period of dormancy where they die back to ground level at the end of each growing season. The end of the growing season for spring flowering bulbs occurs in the […]

Each fall, hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies migrate from Canada and the United States, to central Mexico, to wait out the unfavourable conditions of northern winters. Each spring, they begin the migration north and need milkweed for food along the way. Milkweed is an important source of nutrients during […]

When starting seeds indoors, you do not have to worry about the weather, insects or the myriad of plant diseases and fungi that can affect your outdoor vegetables, trees or flowers, but there is one disease that you must be concerned with when starting seedlings in the house or greenhouse […]

By Melanie Mathieson
The Gardening Guru

Container gardening is very versatile and rewarding. You can purchase containers in many materials or you may have something around the house that could be an interesting planter. You are only limited by your imagination. Make sure your container has a few holes in the bottom to ensure good drainage. […]

Dahlias are considered one of the most spectacular garden flowers as they can provide the colour and excitement of exotic species that we are unable to plant in our zone.  There are thousands of varieties of dahlias that range, from the showy dinner-plate size to the bright, little single ones.  […]