Unfortunately, I’m a complete pushover for a smiley face. I stick them on my mirrors and my computer. I paste them into my Word documents. And all an author has to do get my attention is put a yellow smiley face on the cover. As a result, I sometimes purchase […]

Born in 1926, Joseph Levitch had dreams of a career in show business. It seemed a reasonable goal since he had begun performing as a five-year-old, singing “Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?” Joseph’s dream was so strong that he quit high school at age 15 to try his luck […]

Thursday, July 6, 2000 began like any other Thursday. At the time, Thursday was my yoga day. As usual, my daughter and I were at yoga class at 6:30 a.m. Then, as usual, we stopped at the grocery to pick up our Thursday bagels. After a leisurely breakfast, I was […]

Some people form their goals in their minds and never write them down. Others live happily without formulating clear-cut goals. And still others write their goals. Some even put goals on their bathroom mirror or write them on post-it notes on their computer screens. I easily could be called the […]

My children were reared on wisdom from two books. “Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care” was a “must read” for parents in the 1950s and ’60s. Benjamin Spock addressed every conceivable childhood problem. His book was translated into 39 languages and sold more than 50 million copies. It was second […]

Many years ago, I undertook an arduous journey by bus. From my home in Edmonton, Alta. to my brother’s home in Warden, Wash. with my two small children, aged two and six. Before the trip, I was mildly apprehensive as the journey would involve a lot of sitting for my […]

In my lifetime, I have done a few impossible things–at least two! Impossible: unable to be done; not possible. That’s one definition. But there’s another one. Impossible: very difficult! And I’ve accomplished some very difficult things. The first impossible thing involved my mother and happened in Edmonton, Alta. in 1966. […]

The year was 1970–44 years ago–and the ideas were new and mostly unfamiliar. I remember well how much I didn’t want to hear them. But by that time, I believed them anyway. In “Future Shock,” Alvin Toffler proclaimed that the only constant in the future would be change. Our friend, […]

As a columnist, I receive many e-mails from authors, public relations agents, and people with ideas to promote. Usually, I take a quick look and delete them. But there is one author who always has interesting ideas. In fact, I had to sign up for Dr. Andrew Weil’s daily gems […]

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow will come. But today is “Your Day!” So don’t waste time regretting yesterday. We all make mistakes. “If only . . .” we think. Forgetting that yesterday is gone–permanently gone! Don’t worry, either, about tomorrow and the bad things that may happen. Because when tomorrow comes, […]

Unlike my good friend, Nancy, I never had a “hankering” for travel. Nancy has floated down the Amazon, toured the pyramids, and visited friends in Japan. She creates fascinating scrapbooks of her journeys, which she then shares with her friends. As for me, I’ve always preferred staying at home when […]

A 100-year-old does yoga daily. An 85-year-old runs two miles a day. A 70-year-old writes weekly news notes for her local paper. A 93-year-old climbs Mount Fuji. An 85-year-old plays the piano at area nursing homes. A 65-year-old starts a new business. These are the new elderly. Forget the stereotypes […]