I had big plans of getting my cows in and vaccinating this weekend and the weather was perfect. My cows had other plans. As soon as I went to the bush to find and attempt to gather them, they headed off in the opposite direction. Of course, there were a few that couldn’t risk the thought of some tasty treat that might be waiting for them. I could have chased after them and hoped they would head home but the footing conditions are not fit for either of us. I had a back up plan. They would need to be fed on Sunday so I would just feed them at home and then there would be no chasing at all. So now that job is scheduled for this week. I could potentially do it after work as I have enough lights near the barn and handling area that it wouldn’t be a problem. The only real requirement is their backs need to be dry to apply the dewormer.
I had a quick trip to Toronto last week for a Beef Farmer’s of Ontario meeting. Thunder Bay had no snow, and it was raining in Toronto. Amazing that we are all in the same province! There is lots going on in the Beef world. We made note that we seem to always have big project or issue we are tackling. I guess that is how life is and the beef business is not exempt from this.
I have started my Christmas light display. It will not likely be completed for another week, but I will work at it evenings this week and hope to be completed by Sunday. I question whether I should do it every year but then once I start, I realize how much I like doing it. The weather was great over the weekend. I still don’t understand how you can pack away lights working and then they come out of the Rubbermaid container not working. I check them over once and then they are off the garbage. I have no time to mess around with them.
The Rainy River Regional Abattoir is hosting their AGM this Thursday at the Emo Legion. You will need to be double vaccinated to attend but if you are interested in attending remotely, please reach out to me and I will provide you with a zoom link. We are excited to report on a project we are considering, membership fees and our 2021 Stats. We would like to hear from the membership. The Abattoir business is not a super profitable business, but it is so needed. We are still struggling with staff and are looking for suggestions on where we should be looking! The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Head on down to Emo this weekend for Holly Daze! I am expecting it to be a great event since we missed out last year due to covid. I think everyone is ready for a great parade and shopping! I am hoping for some shopping inspiration….