Grateful to have missed the snow

It is sounding like we are quite fortunate that we missed some of the heavy snow that many received around us over the weekend.
Normally I would complain about this wind but truthfully I’m not going to because we will take the wind minus the snow.
It is great that our nights are staying cool enough that the cattle are staying pretty dry and clean. Most of the calves have figured out the calf shelters so they can eat, exercise, and then rest away from the herd and out of the miserable weather.
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I had a bit of bad luck last week. I had a heifer calving (first-time momma) and with heifers, you have to wait as she wasn’t making much progression. I decided to check and it wasn’t good: full breech (this means the only thing that’s making its way to the birth canal is a butt and a tail).
At least if the legs are coming, you have a quicker and easier chance to get the calf out quickly and hopefully alive.
So I called for help. The first order of business was to get the legs up, which is a tough task. And because it was a heifer, there is just less room to manipulate.
We did manage to get the legs and then quickly got the calf puller on them. It was a bit of a touch pull but we were able to get the calf out but, unfortunately, he was already dead.
You easily can get caught up in a dead calf but you have to remind yourself of all the other healthy ones and concentrate on them. The heifer was a bit sore but is doing just fine so, again, this is something to be thankful for.
It is tough to get a live calf on a full breech but it may have been a different story if it was an older cow, as well. This is only the second one I’ve ever had.
I only have 12 calves left to come so I am nearing the end and can’t complain (other than I’m longing for a full night’s sleep!)
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The Emo Legion was booming Friday night for our weekly “Catch the Ace” draw, the beer-and-burger night there, as well the Legion’s monthly 50/50 draw.
Once again, we sold all our “Catch the Ace” tickets and our progressive pot was over $11,000.
We pulled Morris Halverson’s name and he had chosen envelope #33, which contained the three of spades.
He wound up with nearly $700 as the weekly prize but the progressive pot this week will be about $12,400.
It is so exciting and nerve-wracking as you open up the envelopes now!
Be sure to get your ticket before this Friday night. We will be back at the Emo Legion for beer-and-burger night!
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As well, our 4-H members were honoured at our annual awards night held Friday in Stratton.
It was a great night to promote our wonderful program. Special thanks to the Fort Frances Kiwanis Club, which has been donating to our awards night for many years.
We appreciate that they always take the time to attend our banquet, as well.
The Rainy River Feeder Finance awarded Kailey Croswell for the top steer carcass. Malena Flatt was awarded for her top Hereford carcass by the Rainy River Hereford Association.
Our top agriculture member, Katie Hay, was the recipient of the Plowman’s Award while Andrea Schram walked away with the Degagne Award for top work in the beef club for the past three years.
Alana Gerula was chosen for the Leadership Award that is co-sponsored with the TD Bank, and we were very happy that the TD girls were there to take part in the presentation.
These are just a few of the highlights as always there were other great awards for all our great 4-H members and leaders.
Thanks to everyone for making our awards night such a success!