We sold 814 head at our final cattle sale of 2021. What a year it has been! The cattle valued at $894,163.15. We’ve seen some excellent calves go through the ring. The western buyers said we continued to have a high cow market compared to the west. We are pleased with our new facilities; we even were able to use the indoor plumbing at this sale! Of course, the project is not complete, but we are narrowing the list down. Thank you to everyone that supported our sales this year whether you were selling, buying, or working we really do appreciate the support. A big thank you to our manager James who works many hours to ensure things run smoothly. We appreciate James though we don’t take the time tell him!
The company that was planning to come in with the drone for planting postponed until Spring which was likely the smarter thing to do giving the time of year. I will be sure to let people know so we can all check it out. We have officially got all our trials cleaned so now it is time to put together the summaries. We won’t be setting any records for yields this year, but it is great that we had any yield at given the year we had. In October we had three times the normal amount of rainfall which only came in three different rainfalls. This puts us very close to normal for the year-to-date rainfall which is so deceiving because we all know what a struggle most of the year has been. If you just look at our year’s total for rainfall it certainly won’t show the drought we experienced.
The last of my butcher animals are going to the abattoir this week. The abattoir & the processors are very busy at this time of the year as it is the traditional time of the year for harvest. I still have a cull cow that is home, but I am dragging my feet on letting her go. When I look at the hay yard, I know what I should do but some cows are just hard to get rid of. I still have a list of jobs to get through and the time change is going to make my evenings short or dark! I started to feed cows though they are not real aggressive about it as there is still some grass around. Once the weather changes the hay will look a lot better to them. Next weekend we will get the sheep dewormed, vaccinated and the new ram will get to join the girls. He is patiently/impatiently waiting to join the flock. I think the girls would like to breed the goats again just because they were so much fun, but we do not have a Billy goat and we cannot have one with the ram – we learned that lesson last year!