Last week’s column was not exactly uplifting and cheery, but I think it was an accurate assessment of what Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have done to destabilize our national economy. With that being said, all is not lost. This week, I would like to share some thoughts on what our federal […]
John Rafferty – From The House
Last week, the Conservatives tried to buy the votes of millions of Canadian parents by sending them huge cheques. But as with everything this government does, there is a catch. Many actually. I’d like to say first off that New Democrats and our leader, Tom Mulcair, have committed to keeping […]
The Conservatives talk a good game on crime and punishment, but are they really as ‘tough on crime’ as they claim? The overwhelming evidence of late says no. This past week, while many Canadians are on vacation or otherwise not worried about what is happening in Ottawa, the Harper Conservatives’ […]
This past week, new figures were released by Statistics Canada that show we are on the verge of a new recession in this country. The April GDP figures came in and they show the Canadian economy shrank for the fourth month in a row. The definition of a “recession” is […]
As the House of Commons rises for the summer and the 41st Parliament comes to an end in a few short months, it seems fitting to reflect back on the past four years. I’m sure we all remember the historic election results of May 2, 2011 that propelled the NDP […]
Two interesting things happened in Toronto earlier this month: NDP leader Tom Mulcair gave a lunchtime speech to the Economic Club of Canada—and the CEOs and business leaders in attendance gave him a standing ovation when he finished. Since I feel the most important issue facing all Canadians is the […]
This past week, Canada’s economy shifted into reverse, new details on the Senate expense scandal emerged, and Canada Post notified the public that it was preparing to eliminate home mail delivery in our region early next year. Canada is on the verge of a new recession. The first-quarter GDP numbers […]
This week, the Conservative Party of Stephen Harper showed just how desperate they are to cling to power, and at the same showed how they continue to abuse the power they’ve already been given. After years of Conservatives openly fighting against the very idea of a universal public pension plan […]
Last Thursday, I held a press conference in Thunder Bay to present new figures from the Library of Parliament, which show how the Conservatives absolutely have gutted the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor) by cutting its annual budget by 48 percent since they came to power My […]
This past week, the NDP scored a huge majority victory in the Alberta election and ended the nearly 44-year rule of the Progressive Conservatives. It, indeed, was an immensely proud moment in the history of the New Democrat party as we celebrated what many said was impossible. Ms. Notley’s success […]
Last week in Ottawa, I brought some local history to the floor of the House of Commons while the Auditor General tabled his annual spring report on the government’s activities. I had a private member’s statement and I opted to share some local history with my fellow MPs from across […]
After much stalling and anticipation, federal Finance minister Joe Oliver finally rose in the House of Commons last Tuesday to present his budget. But it’s clear the Conservative’s only plan is to help the wealthy and pass the costs onto future generations of Canadians. After listening to the budget speech […]