Langstaff will meet Waterloo on Monday

Fort Frances Times and Rainy Lake Herald

All Indications Point to a Sweeping Victory for Mathieu the Candidate of the People. Crowded Houses Greet the Popular Member at all Points. Make the Victory a Sweeping One.

Reports from all along the line indicate the J. A. Mathieu will have large majorities in the various polling sections. The electors see plainly that in voting for Mr. Mathieu that they are endorsing the splendid work of development of the past three years by the government. As Mr. Mathieu was the member and responsible for the public works, a vote for him is a vote for continuing the good work. There is absolutely no excuse for not voting for him, at least not a tangible one. The electors will not be deceived, as they want more bridges and drainage.

The charge by Mr. Langstaff that the district had not received as much money from the Public Works Department as formerly on roads is quite true, and the reason is that the money expended by the department in the old way was wasted, not 25 per cent of it ever going on the road in actual work, the remaining 75 per cent being eaten up by expenses and needless charges before it ever saw the road. Realizing this, the government, with the advice of the members, changed this voted a large sum — $5,000,000 — to be expended under the direction of the Crown Lands Department and under government engineers appointed for that purpose. There is therefore under this plan of road building no possible chance for graft or misuse of the money voted for the road. This is probably the cause of Mr. Langstaff and his supporters’ grievences. Mr. Mathieu, as soon as he saw how the money had been expended under the old order of things, like any other good business man would do, advised a change of methods. We are therefore now getting five dollars for every one dollar that was being spent before Mr. Mathieu was elected. This is anonther reason why the electors should vote for Mr. Mathieu on the 29th.